Huge congratulations to our Dominance MMA Bentleigh Kids Team who had their first grading for the year recently.
At DOMINANCE, we earn our progress through developing our attention, putting in consistent effort, and reaping the rewards that come from pursuing something that is difficult, rather than just having ranks awarded based on the length of time we have been training. This can be a hard lesson for our youngest students, but one that is very important to ensure we maintain a high standard and continue to be motivated to work hard.
Well done to all those that graded! Particularly, congratulations to all our freshly belted kids.
From our 5-8yr old group: Gabriel, Maggie, Alice, and Theo, who all graded to Grey White. It’s an exciting, BIG, achievement to have stayed the course long enough to achieve your first belt upgrade. Well done! Also, earning their solid Grey, we had Andrei and Fox, who are both becoming formidable little grapplers. A sign of growth for us is that we can pair more skilled, bigger children with smaller, less skilled children and know that they’ll not only be looked after, but also helped while sparring. These boys have been doing that well!
From our 9-13yr old group: Jonny, Jayden, and Becky who all graded to Grey White. Your first coloured belt is a great milestone! Zhenni, who’s been showing incredible resilience and fortitude had a big well deserved step up to her Grey. Willow, who’s had to really knuckle down and has shown solid positive growth achieved her Grey Black. Lastly, Mason, who puts in 110% every lesson, earned his Yellow White! An incredible achievement.
Jiu Jitsu is very much our own individual pursuit. But we get nowhere without the help of our team. Everyone plays a part in pushing us to improve, highlighting where we need to put in work, and helping us see what we’re capable of. Keep helping each other, keep pushing each other. Together… with consistency, effort, and focus (attention)… we grow!
If you missed out this time, keep coming, be a good training partner, keep trying, and keep listening to your coaches. Your day will come.
Great work team!